{ "dir": "ltr", "footer": { "terms-of-use": "Terms Of Use", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "safety-information": "Safety Information", "patient-bill-of-rights": "Bill of Rights", "trademark": "Dexcom, Dexcom G6, Dexcom G5 Mobile, Dexcom G4, Dexcom Follow and Dexcom CLARITY, Dexcom Share, Share are registered trademarks of Dexcom, Inc. in the U.S., and may be registered in other countries.", "label": "LBL020517 Rev {{labelRevisionNumber}}" }, "header": { "my-account-link": "My Account", "logout-link": "Logout" }, "profile": { "independent": { "manage-personal": "Manage Personal Information", "changes-reflect": "Changes made here will be reflected in your Dexcom mobile apps, the Dexcom Store, and Dexcom CLARITY.", "login-prompt": "If you make any changes, you may be prompted to login to your Dexcom mobile apps again.", "return-link": "Return to Caregiver Account", "banner": { "update-info": "Please update your account information", "missing-info": "Your account is missing the following information:", "remind-me": "Remind me later", "phoneNumber": "Phone Number", "firstName": "First Name", "lastName": "Last Name", "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth", "gender": "Sex", "country": "Country of Residence", "language": "Preferred Language", "email": "Email Address", "username": "Username", "postalCode": "Zip Code", "displayName": "Nickname" } }, "dependent": { "manage-personal": "Manage Personal Information", "changes-reflect": "In case of any changes that are required please let the caregiver know.", "banner": { "update-info": "Please update your account information", "missing-info": "Ask your Caregiver to update your account information. Your account is missing the following information:", "remind-me": "Remind me later", "phoneNumber": "Phone Number", "firstName": "First name", "lastName": "Last name", "dateOfBirth": "Date of Birth", "gender": "Sex", "country": "Country of Residence", "language": "Preferred Language", "email": "Email Address", "username": "Username", "postalCode": "Zip Code", "displayName": "Nickname" } }, "permission-title": "PERMISSIONS & CONSENTS", "use-list": "Use this list to:", "view-update": "View and update the info they can request", "remove-consents": "Remove the permissions and/or consents you no longer want", "prompt": "Confirm", "add": "Add Account", "delete-account": "Delete Account", "card": { "edit": "EDIT", "required": "Required", "optional": "(Optional)", "full-name": "Name", "nickname": "Nickname", "account-type": "Account Type", "FamilyAdmin": "Caregiver (Admin)", "personal": "Personal", "email": "Email", "phone": "Phone Number", "treatment": "Insulin Treatment?", "Dependent": "Dependent", "admins": "Admin(s)", "deps": "Dependent(s)", "titles": { "profile": "PROFILE", "region-info": "REGION", "contact-info": "CONTACT INFO", "email": "EMAIL", "email-userid": "EMAIL (USER ID)", "phone": "MOBILE PHONE", "phone-userid": "MOBILE PHONE (USER ID)", "login-info": "LOGIN", "health-info": "DIABETES INFO", "account-type": "ACCOUNT TYPE" } }, "profile-form": { "full-name": "Name", "first-name": "First Name", "last-name": "Last Name", "dob": "Date of Birth", "month": "Month", "months": { "january": "January", "february": "February", "march": "March", "april": "April", "may": "May", "june": "June", "july": "July", "august": "August", "september": "September", "october": "October", "november": "November", "december": "December" }, "day": "Day", "year": "Year", "gender": "Sex", "display-name": "Nickname", "female": "Female", "male": "Male", "other": "I prefer not to say", "other_fallback": "Other", "errors": { "first-name-is-required": "First Name is required", "first-name-is-too-long": "First name cannot be longer than 30 characters", "last-name-is-required": "Last Name is required", "last-name-is-too-long": "Last name cannot be longer than 30 characters", "nick-name-is-required": "Nickname is required", "nick-name-is-too-long": "Nickname cannot be longer than 40 characters", "sex-is-required": "Please select a sex", "user-is-underage": "User must be over 18 years old" } }, "region-info-form": { "country": "Country of residence", "language": "Preferred language", "zip-code": "ZIP Code" }, "contact-info-form": { "change-email-require-verification": "Changing your email address requires email verification", "check-email-verify": "Check your email and verify your new email address", "check-phone-verify": "Check your phone and verify your new phone number", "confirm-new-email": "Confirm New Email Address", "confirm-new-phone": "Confirm New Phone Number", "current-email": "Current Email Address", "current-phone": "Current Phone Number", "email": "Email Address", "email-no-match": "Your new email address cannot be the same as the old email address", "emails-no-match": "Emails must match", "enter-valid-email": "Enter Valid Email Address", "enter-valid-phone": "Please enter a valid phone number", "invalid-email": "Invalid Email address", "new-email": "New Email Address", "new-phone": "New Phone Number", "pending-verification": "Pending verification", "phone": "Phone Number", "receive-code-interval": "You should receive a text with a verification code within 10 minutes. You have 24 hours to confirm this phone number", "receive-email-interval": "You should receive an email within 10 minutes. You have 72 hours to confirm this e-mail", "require-email-verification": "Adding an email address requires email verification", "phone-no-match": "Phone numbers must match", "mobile-number": "Mobile number", "current-mobile-number": "Current mobile number", "mobile-change-info": "Changing your mobile number requires verification. We'll send a code to your new mobile number. Messaging and data rates may apply.", "errors": { "same-number": "This is the same as your current mobile number. Enter a new number or tap Close.", "maximum-verification-attempts": "Maximum verification attempts reached. Please try again in 10 minutes.", "unexpected-error": "An error occurred, please try again later." }, "send-code": "Send code" }, "login-info-form": { "username": "Username", "username-no-change": "Your Username cannot be changed", "changes-info": "Changes made here will be reflected in your Dexcom mobile apps, the Dexcom Store, and Dexcom CLARITY.", "changes-prompt": "If you make any changes, you may be prompted to login to your Dexcom mobile apps again.", "current-password": "Current Password", "forgot-password": "I forgot my password", "reset-password": "Reset Password", "new-password": "New Password", "confirm-new-password": "Confirm New Password", "resend-email": "Resend Email", "email-sent": "Email sent. Please check your email for further instructions", "password-rule-old-password": "Cannot match existing password", "password-rule-character-limit": "Between 8 and 20 characters", "password-rule-digit": "One digit", "password-rule-not-username": "Cannot match the user name", "password-rule-no-spaces": "Cannot include spaces", "password-requirements-met": "Your password meets all the requirements", "password-mismatch": "The passwords do not match", "password-good-requirements": "Your password meets the requirements" }, "health-info-form": { "diabetes-diagnosis": { "label": "Select diagnosis", "_": "Unspecified", "type-one": "Type 1 diabetes", "type-two": "Type 2 diabetes", "gestational": "Gestational", "pre-diabetic": "Pre-diabetic", "lada": "LADA" }, "administration-options": { "label": "How do you administer insulin?", "_": "Unspecified", "pump": "Pump", "shot": "Pen or Syringe" }, "manufacturer-options": { "label": "Manufacturer", "_": "Unspecified", "tandem": "Tandem", "insulet": "Insulet", "medtronic": "Medtronic", "other": "Other" }, "treatment-options": { "label": "Does your treatment include insulin?", "_": "Unspecified", "yes-fast-acting": "Yes, fast-acting insulin only", "yes-long-acting": "Yes, long-acting insulin, only", "yes-both": "Yes, both fast-acting and long-acting", "no": "No" }, "diabetes-type": "Diagnosis", "how-insulin-administered": "How do you take insulin?", "manufacturer": "Pump manufacturer", "therapy-type": "Therapy Type", "treatment-include-insulin": "Use Insulin?", "year-of-diagnosis": "Diagnosis Year" }, "modal-common": { "confirm": "Confirm", "close": "Close", "close-caps": "CLOSE", "close-without-saving": "Close without saving changes" }, "unsaved-changes-modal": { "are-you-sure": "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO EXIT?", "lost-changes-warning": "Closing this window will result in your changes being lost. Do you want to close without saving?", "continue-editing": "Continue editing information" }, "verify-your-account": { "heading": "Verify your account", "a-code-has-been-sent-to": "A code has been sent to:", "no-code": "Haven't received the verification code?", "resend-code": "Resend code", "confirm": "Confirm", "popup-heading": "Code resent", "code-resent": "We sent you a new code.", "ok": "OK", "invalid-code": "Invalid code, check your code again." }, "confirm-user-id-update": { "header-phone": "Mobile number updated", "important": "Important!", "userid-updated-phone": "User ID updated to new mobile number.", "use-this-across-dexcom": "Use it to log into all Dexcom's websites, apps, and services." } }, "consent": { "AccountManagement_DescriptionKey": "Manage your Account Information", "AccountManagement_TitleKey": "Account Information", "agree-all": "Agree to All", "agree-to": "Agree to", "Analytics_DescriptionKey": "By selecting this option, you consent to the use of your personal data to develop, maintain, and support our products and services. Subject to your explicit consent and appropriate safeguards, we will transfer your data outside the EEA to Dexcom Inc. in the US. Dexcom is committed to empowering people with Diabetes and may process your personal data to: \n* optimize existing features\n* create new product functionality\n* measure and evaluate Dexcom products and services use and performance\n* research, develop, and test medical devices, and\n* for scientific research, statistical purposes and analysis.", "Analytics_TitleKey": "Support Dexcom product and services", "archived-version": "Archived Version", "calibration_DescriptionKey": "Your Calibration Data ", "calibration_TitleKey": "Your Calibration Data ", "Clarity_DescriptionKey": "With Dexcom CLARITY, operated by Dexcom (UK) Ltd., you may review historical data, key metrics, create reports, authorize data sharing with your clinic and get notifications and emails.", "Clarity_TitleKey": "Use Dexcom CLARITY Software", "close": "Close", "close-no-saving": "Are you sure you want to close without saving changes?", "cloud-access": "Dexcom needs your consent to send your personal data to the cloud", "current-version": "Current version", "DataShare_DescriptionKey": "In this case, all health data and other use information associated with your use of the below products and services previously collected and stored locally on your phone will be sent to Dexcom (UK) Ltd.\nThis storage of data on Dexcom’s systems enable the following optional cloud-based features:\n* Sharing your glucose data with your choice of followers and other third parties if using G6 or G7\n* Glucose data trend analysis, statistics and reporting (Dexcom CLARITY Software provided and operated by Dexcom (UK) Ltd.)\n* Save mobile application configuration settings such as alerts for your smart device if using G6 or G7\n", "DataShare_TitleKey": "Send your data to Dexcom (UK) Ltd.", "device_DescriptionKey": "Your Device Details ", "device_TitleKey": "Your Device Details", "egv_DescriptionKey": "Your Estimated Blood Glucose Levels", "egv_TitleKey": "Your Estimated Blood Glucose Levels", "errorDefaultMessage": "An error occurred, please try again later", "event_DescriptionKey": "Your Event Details", "event_TitleKey": "Your Event Details", "GDPR_Consent_Description_Key": "Dexcom offers a variety of products and services that require data to be transmitted to and stored in the cloud, including Follow, CLARITY, and enhanced technical support. In order for you to use these features, we are requesting the following permissions, which can be reconfigured at any time.", "GDPR_Consent_Title_Key": "Consent to share data with Dexcom", "GDPR_Consent_CA_Consent_Title_Key": "Consent to share data with Dexcom", "Granular_Consent_CA_Consent_Description_Key": "In accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Dexcom offers a variety of products and services that require data to be transmitted to and stored in the cloud, including Follow, CLARITY, and enhanced technical support. In order for you to use these features and support maintaining and developing our products and services, we are requesting the following permissions, which can be reconfigured at any time. You can withdraw your voluntary consent and adjust the permissions at the locations listed for each product:\n\n* G6: Settings > Data Consent\n* Dexcom ONE: Settings > Account\n* G7: Profile > Data Consent\n\nYour data will be stored in the European Union on Dexcom’s servers and processed in compliance with EU law and the Dexcom Privacy Policy.

", "Granular_Consent_Consent_Description_Key": "In accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Dexcom offers a variety of products and services that require data to be transmitted to and stored in the cloud, including Follow, CLARITY, and enhanced technical support. In order for you to use these features and support maintaining and developing our products and services, we are requesting the following permissions, which can be reconfigured at any time. You can withdraw your voluntary consent and adjust the permissions at the locations listed for each product:\n\n* G6: Settings > Data Consent\n* Dexcom ONE: Settings > Account\n* G7: Profile > Data Consent\n\nYour data will be stored in the European Union on Dexcom’s servers and processed in compliance with EU law and the Dexcom Privacy Policy.

", "Granular_Consent_CA_Consent_Legal_Entity_Key": "Dexcom", "Granular_Consent_Consent_Legal_Entity_Key": "Dexcom", "Granular_Consent_CA_Consent_Title_Key": "Consent to share data with Dexcom", "legal-entity": "Legal Entity", "not-found": "ConsentModel not found.", "offline_access_DescriptionKey": "Maintain access to data you have given it access to", "offline_access_TitleKey": "Maintain access to data you have given it access to", "offline_access_GDPR_DescriptionKey": "Maintain access to data you have given it access to", "offline_access_GDPR_TitleKey": "Maintain access to data you have given it access to", "openid_DescriptionKey": "Your Estimated Blood Glucose Levels", "openid_TitleKey": "Your Estimated Blood Glucose Levels", "previous": "Go Back", "region": "Region", "save-close": "Save and Close", "save-continue": "Save and Continue", "save-exit": "Save and Exit", "scroll-continue": "Scroll to continue", "selection": "Select One (required):", "share-data": "Share Data", "signature": "Signature", "statistics_DescriptionKey": "Your CGM Statistics ", "statistics_TitleKey": "Your CGM Statistics ", "reports_TitleKey": "Your CGM reports", "reports_DescriptionKey": "Your CGM reports", "status": "Status", "submit": "Submit", "TechSupport_TitleKey": "Enable technical support services access", "TechSupport_DescriptionKey": "If you have trouble with your Dexcom system or questions about how to use it, Dexcom Technical Support staff may access your health data and other use information associated with your use of our products and services to troubleshoot your issues or answer your question. Technical Support staff will only access your data upon your explicit request.\n\nWhere enhanced technical support is required, subject to your explicit consent and appropriate safeguards, we will transfer your data outside the EEA to Dexcom, Inc. in the US.", "terms": "In accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.", "Third_Party_Consent_DescriptionKey": "By signing below, you are confirming that you have subscribed for services provided by {{consent.legal-entity}} listed above and you desire to have certain of your Personal Information (as defined in Dexcom's Privacy Policy available here) sent to that third party by Dexcom. You hereby authorize and instruct Dexcom to electronically provide your Registration Information and Data Services Information (as defined in Dexcom’s Privacy Policy) to {{consent.legal-entity}} listed above. You further acknowledge and agree that Dexcom has no control over how your Personal Information is used by {{consent.legal-entity}} and Dexcom shall not be liable for {{consent.legal-entity}}’s receipt, use or redisclosure of your Personal Information or the accuracy of such Personal Information, and your Personal Information once transferred is no longer subject to Dexcom's Privacy Policy or any applicable protections under privacy laws applicable to Dexcom. You may revoke this authorization at any time at Dexcom.com by signing in to your account and changing your authorizations in Permissions, and we will promptly terminate providing further Personal Information to {{consent.legal-entity}}, but any information previously provided will not be affected by this revocation. This authorization expires when you terminate your Dexcom account or you revoke it. This authorization replaces any previous authorizations you may have provided to us for {{consent.legal-entity}}. Declining this authorization will not revoke any previous authorizations you may have provided to us for Legal Entity listed above. You may revoke previous authorizations at any time at Dexcom.com by signing in to your account and changing your authorizations in Permissions, and we will promptly terminate providing further Personal Information to Legal Entity listed above, but any information previously provided will not be affected by this revocation. For further information on Dexcom’s handling of your data, please visit Dexcom’s Privacy Policy: http://www.dexcom.com/en-GB/linked/documentservice/PrivacyPolicy", "Third_Party_Consent_TitleKey": "Permission to Disclose and Authorization", "Granular_Consent_Consent_Title_Key": "Consent to share data with Dexcom (UK) Ltd.", "Granular_Consent_APAC_Title_Key": "Consent to share data with Dexcom (UK) Ltd.", "Granular_Consent_APAC_Legal_Entity_Key": "Dexcom", "Granular_Consent_APAC_Description_Key": "In accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Dexcom offers a variety of products and services that require data to be transmitted to and stored in the cloud, including Follow, CLARITY, and enhanced technical support. In order for you to use these features and support maintaining and developing our products and services, we are requesting the following permissions, which can be reconfigured at any time. You can withdraw your voluntary consent and adjust the permissions at the locations listed for each product:\n\n* G6: Settings > Data Consent\n* Dexcom ONE: Settings > Account\n* G7: Profile > Data Consent\n\nYour data will be stored in the European Union on Dexcom’s servers and processed in compliance with EU law and the Dexcom Privacy Policy.

", "requesting_access": "The Personal Information that {{consent.legal-entity}} is requesting access to your Health Data and Other Use Information:", "signing_permission": "Are you signing this Permission to Disclose and Authorization:" }, "consent-modal": { "confirm": "Confirm", "close-no-save": "Close Without Saving Changes", "accepted": "Accepted", "success": "Success" }, "consent-confirm-modal": { "title": "IMPORTANT FEATURE MAY BE LIMITED!", "revoke_TitleKey": "You Declined to share your data with the third party software application", "revoke_DescriptionKey": "By not selection this option, you understand, acknowledge and agree that Dexcom will cease providing your Registration Information, Data Services Information (each as defined in Dexcom's Privacy Policy) and your user identifier to the selected third party software application(s). You further acknowledge that by electing to discontinue the provision of the information set forth above to the selected third party software application(s), such software application(s) may cease to perform properly, if at all.", "DataShare-title": "You Declined to Send Your Data to Dexcom", "DataShare-description": "By not selecting this option, you will be unable to view or access your glucose data beyond the last 24 hours from your smart device. You will also be unable to share your glucose readings with your family and loved ones.", "Clarity-title": "You Declined to Use Dexcom Clarity Software", "Clarity-description": "By not selecting this option, you will be unable to view or access your glucose data beyond the last 24 hours from the Clarity app on your smart device, share your data with your healthcare provider, or gain insights about your patterns and time in range.", "TechSupport-title": "You Declined to Enable Enhanced Technical Support Services at Your Request", "TechSupport-description": "By not selecting this option, Dexcom Technical Support will be unable to view your glucose data. Without access to your glucose data, it may take longer to understand your technical issue and resolve your problem.", "are-you-sure": "Are you sure?", "go-back": "Go Back", "confirm": "Confirm", "DataShare_Confirmation_TitleKey": "You Declined to Send Your Data to Dexcom", "DataShare_Confirmation_DescriptionKey": "By not selecting this option, you will be unable to view or access your glucose data beyond the last 24 hours from your smart device. You will also be unable to share your glucose readings with your family and loved ones.", "Clarity_Confirmation_TitleKey": "You Declined to Use Dexcom Clarity Software", "Clarity_Confirmation_DescriptionKey": "By not selecting this option, you will be unable to view or access your glucose data beyond the last 24 hours from the Clarity app on your smart device, share your data with your healthcare provider, or gain insights about your patterns and time in range.", "TechSupport_Confirmation_TitleKey": "You Declined to Enable Enhanced Technical Support Services at Your Request", "TechSupport_Confirmation_DescriptionKey": "By not selecting this option, Dexcom Technical Support will be unable to view your glucose data. Without access to your glucose data, it may take longer to understand your technical issue and resolve your problem.", "Analytics_Confirmation_TitleKey": "You Declined to Support Dexcom Products and Services", "Analytics_Confirmation_DescriptionKey": "By not selecting this option, Dexcom is unable to use your personal data for purposes that support and improve our products and services, such as evaluating and improving features, creating new functionality, and conducting scientific research." }, "consentFlow": { "consent-gdpr": { "title": "Consent to share data with Dexcom", "desc": "Dexcom offers a variety of products and services that require data to be transmitted to and stored in the cloud, including Follow, Clarity, and enhanced technical support. In order for you to use these features, we are requesting the following permissions, which can be reconfigured at any time.", "purpose-dexcomCloud": { "title": "Send your data to Dexcom", "desc": "This enables the following options:\n* Share your data with followers\n* Use Dexcom Clarity Software\n* Save alerts and other app settings for your smart device\n" }, "purpose-clarity": { "title": "Use Dexcom Clarity Software", "desc": "Clarity is a retrospective therapy management tool to allow you access to all your historic glucose measurements." }, "purpose-techSupport": { "title": "Enable enhanced technical support services at your request", "desc": "If you have trouble with your Dexcom system or questions on how to use it, Dexcom Technical Support staff can access your Health Data and Other Use Information to troubleshoot your issues or answer your question. Where applicable, you consent to the transfer of your data outside the EEA to Dexcom Inc. subject to appropriate safeguards for the purposes of enabling enhanced Technical Support. Technical support staff will only access your data upon your explicit request." } } }, "errors": { "consent-authentication-error": " Your session has expired", "consent-error-message": "There was a problem processing your request, try again later", "consent-not-found-error": "Requested resource in the url was not found, try with a valid one", "continue-exploring": "Continue Exploring Dexcom.com", "EmailAlreadyExists": "An account already exists with this email", "AccountAlreadyExistsWithUserID": "An account already exists with this user ID.", "email-is-already-in-use": "There was a problem processing your request", "invalid-credentials": "Invalid credentials", "InvalidToken": "There was a problem verifying your email.", "loading-error-header": "Error Occurred", "loading-error-message": "Page can’t load.\nPlease try again.", "login-failed-header": "Log In Failed", "login-failed-message": "Temporary issue with the login page.\nPlease try again later.", "redirect-setup-countdown": "click here to create an account.", "retry-error-message": "There was a problem processing your request, try again later", "system-error-header": "System Error", "system-error-message": "Due to a system error, changes weren’t saved.\nPlease try again.", "too-many-unsuccessful-attempts": "Too many unsuccessful attempts, please try again later", "redirect-login-countdown": "click here to login in.", "invalid-country": "Dexcom products are not supported in this country.", "maximum-verification-attempts": "Maximum verification attempts", "try-again-in-ten": "Try again in 10 minutes." }, "404-page": { "title": "Page not found", "content": "The page you are looking for does not exist." }, "500-page": { "title": "An error occurred", "content": "We’re sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later." }, "503-page": { "title": "We're undergoing scheduled maintenance", "content": "Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be up and running as soon as possible." }, "signup-login-toggle": { "login-text": "Login", "setup-text": "Sign Up" }, "lander": { "login-button": "Login", "login-text": "Login", "create-text": "Sign Up", "create-button": "Sign Up" }, "setup-account-component": { "setup-main-nxt-btn": "Next", "setup-main-prv-btn": "Back", "setup-main-resend-btn": "Resend Email", "setup-confirm": "Confirm", "setup-redirect-login": "Log in", "setup-add-family": "Create New or Link Account", "setup-cancel": "Cancel" }, "setup-account-type-component": { "header-text": "Create an Account", "hidden-button-text": "Other account options", "account-type-name-individual": "Individual Account", "account-type-desc-individual": "I am over 18. I am a Dexcom CGM user. This account is for myself.", "account-type-misc-text-individual": "", "account-type-name-family": "New Dexcom Account", "account-type-desc-family-1": "Above Legal Age:", "account-type-desc-family-2": "Tap radio button to create a new account for yourself", "account-type-desc-family-3": "Below Legal Age:", "account-type-desc-family-4": "If you are below legal age, only your parent or guardian can create your account.", "account-type-desc-family-5": "Before they create an account for you, they have to create an account for themselves, then add you to their existing account.", "account-type-name-developer": "Developer Account", "account-type-desc-developer": "I am a developer. This account is for myself.", "account-type-misc-text-developer": "", "account-type-name-hcp": "Healthcare Provider Account", "account-type-desc-hcp": "I am a healthcare provider. This account is for my organization.", "account-type-misc-text-hcp": "", "account-type-name-dependent": "Add User to Existing Account", "account-type-desc-dependent": "Tap radio button to add someone you are caring for (adults or minors) to your existing account", "account-type-misc-text-dependent": "" }, "country-component": { "label": "Select country (required)", "placeHolder": "Country of residence", "required": "Country is required" }, "language-component": { "label": "Choose language (required)", "placeHolder": "Language", "required": "Language is required" }, "zip-code-component": { "label": "ZIP code (required)", "placeHolder": "ZIP code", "invalid": "ZIP code is invalid", "required": "ZIP code is required" }, "phone-number-component": { "label": "Phone number (required)", "placeHolder": "Phone number", "invalid": "Phone number is invalid", "required": "Phone number is required" }, "date-of-birth-component": { "label": "Date of birth (required)", "placeHolder": "Date of birth", "required": "Date of birth is required" }, "legal-agreement": { "agreement-text-1": "(Required) By checking this box, you agree that your use of any Dexcom, Inc. website, mobile applications or other software is subject to the Dexcom ", "agreement-text-2": " and ", "agreement-text-3": " applicable for your country.", "terms-of-use": "Terms of Use", "dexcom-terms-of-use": "Dexcom Terms of Use", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "dexcom-privacy-policy": "Dexcom Privacy Policy", "insulin-pen": "Example Insulin Pen", "DATASHARE": "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)", "view-button-text": "View", "view-and-edit-button-text": "View and Edit", "Granular_Consent_Consent": "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)", "Granular_Consent_CA_Consent": "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)", "Granular_Consent_APAC_Consent": "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" }, "legal-sections": { "dexcom": "DEXCOM", "DEXCOM": "REGIONAL", "third-party": "THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS", "ThirdParty": "THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS" }, "common-modal": { "close": "Close", "close-all-caps": "CLOSE", "error": "There was a problem loading the content, please close and try again" }, "independent": { "setup-create-link-account": { "header": "Create or Link Account", "create-dep-name": "Create a new dependent account", "create-dep-desc": "Fill out the information for someone under the age of consent or for someone you care for.", "claim-dep-name": "Claim an existing dependent account", "claim-dep-desc": "Use your dependent's login to add them to your caregiver account", "invite-fam-name": "Invite an existing adult user to join your account", "invite-fam-desc": "Invite another adult to your account. They will also be able to manage any minors linked to your account." }, "setup-account-country-component": { "header": "Country of Residence", "text1": "Please enter your information.", "text2": "If you are caring for someone (adult or minor), when you add them to your existing account, you'll complete this information on their behalf.", "country-checkbox": "Check this box to confirm your Country of Residence - you can't change it after clicking next" }, "setup-email-component": { "header": "What is your email address?", "placeholder": "Email", "terms": "Terms of use", "required": "Email is required", "invalid": "Email is invalid" }, "setup-account-verification-component": { "header": "Please verify your email address", "check-email": "Check your email and verify your email address", "should-receive-email": "You should receive an email within 10 minutes. You have 24 hours to verify this email address", "pending-verification": "Pending Verification", "edit-email": "Edit Email", "edit-phone-number": "Edit phone number" }, "setup-account-personal-info": { "account-type-title": "Create an Account", "thank-you-email": "Thank you for confirming your email", "email-address": "Email address", "personal-information": "Personal Information", "first-name": "First name (required)", "last-name": "Last / surname (required)", "select-date-of-birth": "Select date of birth", "first-name-required": "First name is required", "last-name-required": "Last name is required", "date-of-birth-required": "Date of birth is required", "user-is-minor-error": "If you're under 18, ask your guardian to create an account." }, "setup-account-username": { "username-header": "Create your account username", "username-input": "Username", "username-rules": ["Must be at least 6 characters", "Your username cannot be changed later"], "username-recommended": "Recommended", "username-recommendations": [ "Do not re-use usernames from other sites and applications", "Do not use identifying info as part of your username", "You can use letters and numbers", "Your username is not case sensitive" ], "username-is-taken": "This username is taken", "username-too-short": "This username is too short", "username-required": "Username is required" }, "setup-account-password": { "password-header": "Create your account password", "password-input": "Password", "password-rule-uppercase": "One uppercase character", "password-rule-character-limit": "Between 6 and 20 characters", "password-rule-digit": "One digit", "password-rule-not-username": "Cannot match the user name", "password-rule-no-spaces": "Cannot include spaces", "password-requirements-met": "Your password meets all the requirements", "password-mismatch": "The passwords do not match", "confirm-new-password": "Confirm password" }, "setup-account-confirm-info": { "unspecified": "Unspecified", "confirm-information-header": "Confirm your Information", "email-address": "Email address", "account-type-label": "Account Type", "account-type": "Personal", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "first-name": "First Name", "last-name": "Last Name", "gender": "Sex", "date-of-birth": "Date of birth", "country-of-residence": "Country of Residence", "zip-code-number": "Zip Code", "edit-information": "Edit Information", "save-changes": "Save Changes" }, "account-created": { "title": "Account Successfully Created!", "header": "One account for everything Dexcom", "body": "Use these login credentials to log into any of Dexcom's websites, applications, and services" }, "setup-account-condition-info": { "unspecified": "Unspecified", "diagnosis-year": "Year of Diagnosis", "diabetes-type": "Diabetes Type", "header": "Optionally provide your condition information (placeholder)", "insulin-treatment": "Insulin Treatment", "manufacturer": "Manufacturer", "not-disclosed": "Not Disclosed", "therapy-type": "Therapy Type", "title": "Condition Information (Optional)", "use-insulin": "Use Insulin?" }, "genders": { "label": "Sex (required)", "_": "Unspecified", "Male": "Male", "Female": "Female", "Other": "I prefer not to say", "Other_fallback": "Other", "gender-required": "Sex is required" } }, "dependent": { "not-disclosed": "Not Disclosed", "setup-create-link-account": { "header": "Create or Link Account", "create-dep-name": "Create a new dependent account", "create-dep-desc": "Fill out the information for someone under the age of consent or for someone you care for.", "claim-dep-name": "Claim an existing dependent account", "claim-dep-desc": "Use your dependent's login to add them to your caregiver account", "invite-fam-name": "Invite an existing adult user to join your account", "invite-fam-desc": "Invite another adult to your account. They will also be able to manage any minors linked to your account." }, "setup-account-country-component": { "header": "Dependent's country of residence", "text1": "", "text2": "", "country-checkbox": "Check this box to confirm your Country of Residence - you can't change it after clicking next" }, "setup-email-component": { "header": "What is your E-mail address?", "email-placeholder": "Email", "email-terms": "Terms of use", "email-privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "email-required": "Email is required", "email-invalid": "Email is invalid" }, "setup-account-verification-component": { "header": "Please verify your Email address", "check-email": "Check your email and verify your email address", "should-receive-email": "You should receive an email within 10 minutes. You have 24 hours to confirm this email", "pending-verification": "Pending Verification", "edit-email": "Edit Email", "edit-phone-number": "Edit phone number" }, "setup-account-personal-info": { "account-type-title": "Create an Account", "thank-you-email": "Thank you for confirming your e-mail", "email-address": "E-mail address", "personal-information": "Dependent's personal information", "first-name": "First name (required)", "last-name": "Last / surname (required)", "select-date-of-birth": "Select date of birth", "first-name-required": "First name is required", "last-name-required": "Last name is required" }, "setup-account-username": { "username-header": "Create dependent's username", "username-input": "Username", "username-tips": "Username Tips:", "username-rules": [ "Cannot be changed", "Must be at least 6 characters", "Not case-sensitive", "No special characters(!@#$%^&*)", "No spaces are allowed" ], "username-recommended": "Recommended", "username-recommendations": [ "Do not re-use usernames from other sites and applications", "Do not use identifying information, such as your name, in your username" ], "username-is-taken": "This username is taken", "username-too-short": "This username is too short", "username-required": "Username is required", "username-no-space": "No spaces are allowed", "username-no-special-character": "No special characters are allowed" }, "setup-account-password": { "password-header": "Create dependent's password", "password-input": "Password", "password-rule-uppercase": "One uppercase character", "password-rule-character-limit": "Between 6 and 20 characters", "password-rule-digit": "One digit", "password-rule-not-username": "Cannot match the user name", "password-rule-no-spaces": "Cannot include spaces", "password-requirements-met": "Your password meets all the requirements", "password-mismatch": "The passwords do not match", "confirm-new-password": "Confirm password" }, "setup-account-confirm-info": { "unspecified": "Unspecified", "confirm-information-header": "Confirm dependent's information", "email-address": "E-mail address", "account-type-label": "Account Type", "account-type": "Dependent", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "first-name": "First Name", "last-name": "Last Name", "gender": "Sex", "date-of-birth": "Date of birth", "country-of-residence": "Country of Residence", "zip-code-number": "Zip Code", "edit-information": "Edit Information", "save-changes": "Save Changes", "not-disclosed": "Not Disclosed" }, "account-created": { "title": "Dependent account successfully created!", "header": "Your account has converted to a Caregiver Account with the addition of a Dependent account.", "body": "Each Dexcom user should use their own login credentials to log in to any of Dexcom's websites, applications, and services." }, "setup-account-condition-info": { "title": "Dependent's diabetes information (optional)", "header": "Optionally provide your condition information (placeholder)", "diagnosis-year": "Year of Diagnosis", "unspecified": "Unspecified", "not-disclosed": "Not Disclosed" }, "genders": { "label": "Sex (required)", "_": "Unspecified", "Male": "Male", "Female": "Female", "Other": "I prefer not to say", "Other_fallback": "Other", "gender-required": "Sex is required" }, "diabetes-diagnosis": { "label": "Select diagnosis", "_": "Unspecified", "type-one": "Type 1 diabetes", "type-two": "Type 2 diabetes", "gestational": "Gestational", "pre-diabetic": "Pre-diabetic", "lada": "LADA" }, "administrationOptions": { "label": "How do you administer insulin?", "_": "Unspecified", "pump": "Pump", "shot": "Pen or Syringe" }, "manufacturerOptions": { "label": "Manufacturer", "_": "Unspecified", "tandem": "Tandem", "insulet": "Insulet", "medtronic": "Medtronic", "other": "Other" }, "treatmentOptions": { "label": "Does your treatment include insulin?", "_": "Unspecified", "yes-fast-acting": "Yes, fast-acting insulin only", "yes-long-acting": "Yes, long-acting insulin, only", "yes-both": "Yes, both fast-acting and long-acting", "no": "No" } }, "changeEmail": { "changeSuccessful": "Success! Your email address has been successfully updated", "changeTitle": "Email Update", "changeFailed": "There was a problem trying to update your email, please try again later", "buttonText": "Continue" } }